Are you a victim of a bad check? If you believe that you are a victim of a bad check, please read the information below. If you find that your check meets the following “eligible” criteria, go to or call 1-855-496-6157.


A check is ELIGIBLE for this program if:

  • The amount is no more than $2,500.00 (or multiple checks do not exceed this limit.) There are no minimum dollar restrictions.
  • The check was received in Hendricks County, deposited in a bank in exchange for goods or services, and was deemed “good” at the time of acceptance.
  • A “Statutory Notice” was sent to the check writer via U.S. Certified Mail, allowing 20 days to make the check good. 
  • A photo I.D. number (driver’s license of state identification card) was recorded at the time of transaction.

A check is INELIGIBLE if:

  • It is post-dated.
  • Both parties knew there were insufficient funds at the time of transaction.
  • It is a two-party, stop payment, or payroll check.
  • The identity of the check writer is unknown.
  • There is no amount, date, or signature on the check.
  • The numeric and written amounts on the check do not match.
  • The check has not been processed by a bank. 
  • The check involves an “extension of credit” or was payment on an account.

The Program, Step-By-Step

  1. Make personal contact with the check writer. If you are unsuccessful, send a statuary notice via U.S. Certified Mail. The check writer has 10 days to respond and remit payment.
  2. If you do not hear from the check writer or receive payment, contact the Bad Check Restitution Program at 1-855-496-6157 or visit our website for a crime report at
  3. Fill out the crime report, keep copies, and attach originals or legal copies of all checks and notification documents, such as return receipts, bank notices, and mail to the address below.
  4. If you do not receive restitution within 90 days, contact the Hendricks County Prosecuting Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program.

Victim Services, Inc. Mail Processing

Hendricks County Prosecuting Attorney

Bad Check Restitution Program

P.O. Box 441368

Indianapolis In, 46244-1368


Questions or have a check to file?

Go to  or call 18554966157.


To protect yourself or your business from fraudulent or bad checks, refer to the information below.

Check Acceptance Tips:

  • Institute a check acceptance policy. A clearly posted policy for your employees and customers can reduce your losses.
  • Accept checks written only with today’s date. Post-dated checks are civil matters and are not accepted in the Hendricks County Prosecuting Attorney Bad Checks Restitution Program.
  • Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t seem right, ask questions of ask for another form of payment. You are not obliged to accept a check.

Check Screening Tips:

  1. Make sure that the address is a street address, not just a P.O. Box number. Write down the street address if there is only a P.O. Box address provided.
  2. Ask for and write down a phone number. If the phone number is provided on the check, verify that it is correct.
  3. Not the check’s date. Post-dated checks are not acceptable.
  4. Be wary of new accounts with low check numbers.
  5. Make sure that the written and figure amounts match.
  6. Observe the writer’s signature and make sure the signature matches the one on the I.D.