The Nursing Division of the Hendricks County Health Department is staffed by registered nurses who specialize in public health promotion and disease prevention.

Adult Wellness

  • Adult Wellness Clinic provides immunizations and tuberculosis screenings. This clinic is open to anyone by appointment.

Communicable Disease Investigation


    Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Clinics

    Locate influenza vaccines and clinics by using this tool: Vaccine Finder

    Lead Screening
    • It is a Federal Requirement for all children under the age of 6 years old to be tested for lead.
      • Children should receive a blood lead test between 9 and 13 months.
      • Children should receive another blood lead test between 21 and 27 months.
      • Any child between 28 and 72 months that does not have record of a blood lead test, must have a blood lead test performed.
    • The Hendricks County Health Department provides free lead screenings for children 6 years or younger. Call (317) 745-9222 to schedule an appointment.

    Tuberculosis Screening

    • The Hendricks County Health Department provides tuberculosis screening by appointment only. Call for more information.

    Safe Sharps Disposal 

    The Hendricks County Health Department offers a free Safe Sharps Disposal Program. The Health Department and Solid Waste Management District partner on this effort to safely collect used sharps and prevent the spread of communicable diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis C, due to needle sticks. Hendricks County residents can come to the Health Department Nursing Clinic between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, to pick up a free sharps container for their personal use. Full sharps containers can then be returned to the Health Department for disposal at no charge.

    Safe Sharps Program