Vectors of the United States

Click here for an interactive map of vectors provided by National Environmental Health Association.

Mosquito Information

West Nile virus is transmitted to humans by the bite of a female mosquito that has bitten an infected bird.  West Nile virus symptoms are present within 3-15 days after being bitten by the infected mosquito.  Culex mosquitoes, the type of mosquito most likely to carry West Nile virus breed in shallow, stagnant, polluted water.  Mosquitoes can breed in any stagnant water that lasts for more than a couple of days.

Personal Protection is the first line of defense against West Nile virus
    -  Avoid being outside at dawn or dusk
    -  Use an insect repellant containing DEET
    -  When outside wear light-colored long pants and long sleeved shirt
    -  Eliminate all standing water on or near your property
    -  Repair failed septic systems

Most people who become infected with West Nile virus will have either no symptoms or very mild symptoms.  However, some individuals will contract a more serious form of the virus that causes inflammation of the brain and surrounding tissues.  Seek medical attention immediately if you develop symptoms such as a high fever, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, sore joints, confusion, tremors or severe headache.

Tick Information

Ticks are vectors of a wide variety of diseases such Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, tularemia, ehrlichiosis.  They live in grassy or wooded areas. 

Use the following personal protection measures when entering tick habitat:

  • Stay on established trails.
  • Wear protective clothing such as light-colored clothing, long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Tuck in your shirt.  Pull your socks over the pant cuff.
  • Apply an insect repellent such as DEET or permethrin.
  • Examine clothing and skin frequently for ticks.
  • Shower after coming indoors and thoroughly check for ticks.
  • Wash exposed clothing before wearing again.

Remove attached ticks immediately

  1. Use blunt forceps or tweezers.
  2. Grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible and pull upward with a steady, even pressure.
  3. Take care not to squeeze, crush or puncture the tick.
  4. Do not handle the tick with bare hands because infectious agents may enter via mucous membranes or breaks in the skin.
  5. After removing the tick, disinfect the bite site and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Consult a physician immediately if a rash or flu-like symptoms develop.

Additional Information:

Bed Bug Brochure

Bed Bug Information

Chikungunya Virus on CDC

Kissing Bugs

Purdue's Vector Biology Page

Repellants Recommended

Ticks on CDC

Ticks on Indiana State Department of Health

West Nile Virus Brochure

West Nile Virus on CDC

Zika Virus on CDC

Bed Bug ID Card
Bed Bug Identification Card -
2" x 3.5"

  Here's the Buzz about Mosquitoes

Here's the Buzz about Mosquitoes

Cockroach Detection and Control Brochure

Cockroach Detection and Control


The Buzz About West Nile Virus PSA (:30)


This 30 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus. Created: 8/21/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Date Released: 8/21/2012. Series Name: CDC Radio.

More info on this topic

Press Play to listen to this CDC PSA
Running time = 0:30
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